Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Charles University in 1978, completed studies of international private law in Haag and studied at the Max-Planck-Institute in Munich within the framework of dissertation research.
JUDr. Otakar Švorčík has practiced as an Attorney since 1978; in 1990 he was a founding member of our law office where he has been a Partner since.
He specialises in Business Law and Company Law, legal relations to real estate, Labour Law, Competition, Unfair Competition and Industrial Rights; he is an arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of the Economic Chamber and the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic in property matters and eu domain cases; he acts as attorney in arbitration proceedings before AC and under ICC and UNICITRAL.
Publications – co-author of “Die Kapitalgesellschaft nach tschechischem und slowakischen Recht” and a number of articles concerning companies and industrial rights.
JUDr. Otakar Švorčík has received several awards from foreign specialist magazines, e.g. Central European (1993) the winner of international company votes; in 2001/2002 the Global Counsel 3000 magazine evaluated him as a “Highly Recommended Individual” for the field of Business Law and Company Law.
He is a member of international organisations AIPPI, INTA, LICD, the French-Czech Chamber of Commerce.
Language: English, German and French